...and if you say they're not peaceful, they'll kill you.
Which leads me to wonder if there is an Arabic word for irony.
so it is now two days after another islamic terrorist attack.
how many muslims are in the streets protesting and condemning this evil?
how many are marching in all the big cities condemning this in mass protests?.
...and if you say they're not peaceful, they'll kill you.
Which leads me to wonder if there is an Arabic word for irony.
... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
Cofty selected the subject line,
Shouldn't that be
- The Obsever
obviously, trump doesn't.
but do you?
do you think that they are generally fair, unbiased and honest?.
OUTLAW, I'll bet you find this either:
A. Impossible to accept
B. Impossible to accept
Here ya go --
It talks about how the Ruskies used a microwave-activated microphone to bug U.S. Ambassador Averell Harriman. It hung in the ambassador's Moscow residential office until 1952 when the State Department discovered that it was 'bugged.'
Kellyanne may not be a glib technology expert, but I think she knows a lot more than you think she does.
"Everybody laughed when I said 'microwaves.' They aren't laughing now."
I'm going to guess that electronics is not your area of expertise, OUTLAW.
obviously, trump doesn't.
but do you?
do you think that they are generally fair, unbiased and honest?.
Oh, come ON!
We were Jehovah's Witnesses! We know this song by heart!!!
WHO elected the News Media? NO ONE.
In whose interest does the NEWS Media act? THEIR OWN.
next question, please.
i was raised in the religion and for the most part believed that my religion was truth.
i recognized some mistakes were occasionally made but felt that nobody is perfect.
then i smartened up and realized how dumb so many of the beliefs are....was there ever a time that you truly believed you had the "truth"?.
Sure... I was 7 or 8 years old and completely dependent on the opinions offered by my mother and THE "infallible" ELDERS.*
Even at that early age, I had the experience of cognitive dissonance as I realized that these "brightly shining ones" had no grasp of basic science that I was learning in school and from reading the Encyclopedia Britannica that was available in the Sunnnyside congregation's Kingdom Hall Library. I also had to square some lies I was told about how the WTB&TS had "scientists" who were doing "research" for the WTB&TS even now, on this side of Armageddon.
So I grew up wading through this stinking swamp of foetid bullshit because the "most important thing" was vindicating Jeho-wad's Universal Sovereignty so that I could survive Armageddon and live forever in a Paradise Earth.
The stench was overwhelming, but it is a funny thing -- after exposure to even the worst odors in existence, the nose will 'turn off' and the stink will no longer be noticed.
On a spiritual level.
Let the reader use discernment.
*Even as a kid, it struck me that the WTB&TS was so eager to explain how fallible the Pope was while claiming infallibility for themselves.
i have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
Free wine!
Free cookies!
this is a list of a few signs of the disorder...after identifying the disorder you wonder who the hell they a talking about.. 1)dissociative identity disorder 2)borderline personality 3)insanity (the anointed) 4)delusion (hello) 5)intellectual disability (what) 6)adjustment disorder 7) paranoid personality(ok who are we talking about here) 8) confusion 9) histrionic disorder 10)factitious disorder...there are more but i wonder if these fool researched mental diseased.
most jw suffer from histrionic disorder..."constant attention seeking, emotional overreaction and suggestibility"....
Q.: Are you mental diseased?
A.: Are you grammar impaired?
no doubt we have all heard that well used "illustration" in public talks etc over the years:.
"if you were handed a glass of water that looked pure, but were told it has just a tiny drop of poison in it, would you drink it?".
the society has used that illustration at length to say we should avoid all influences of every part of the world.. but, as we know, the society has had a track record of errors, false ideas and doctrines.
Q.: "would you drink a glass of water if it had just a tiny bit of poison in it?"
A.: If you believed in homeopathy you would.
Homeopathy is junk science that the WTB&TS has never criticized.
i was thinking today about the descriptions of the future "paradise" presented by the watchtower, and i was struck by something about it.
most of us are aware that the watchtower promotes an interpretation of the apocalypse that would result in the immediate execution of 99.9% of the population with no hope for resurrection.
additionally, we have been told about the large group of people that are supposed to side with satan at the end of the thousand year reign of christ.
OneViejoDosPatata said, "Hey! If you know you can't die - or if you do you will be restored automatically - why wouldn't you do those things. Remember "no pain or tears"?
I was told that people should respect the Creator's gift of life, and such actions would demonstrate disrespect and an attitude of "challenging" Yah-wad.
when i was a jw, i was taught that i can never succeed in life if i leave the sect.
now that i am no longer a member of the fold, how can i succeed in this only life i have and achieve my dreams?.
I dunno. I do know that if you become a JW again, it is unlikely you will be a success. Better to make a 'to do" list for after you are resurrected.